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Scanlan Shorthalt
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Biography and appearance
Game Seeker, Slayer, Survivor
Race Hearth orlan
Gender Male
Culture Old Vailia
Background Artist
Personality Sassy
Level 18
Neck Amulet of Greater Health
Body Miscreant's Leathers
Hands Rokowa's Fingers
Rings Ring of Overseeing
Ring of Minor Deflection
Feet Boots of Evasion
Waist Trollhide Belt
Weapon Legendary Rod
Internal Name
GUID 4d015ba1-85c6-49d9-990b-625de3664329

Scanlan Shorthalt is a character in Seeker, Slayer, Survivor. This character exists as part of the cut "[TEMP] Vox Machina" arena encounter.

Background[ | ]

Scanlan is fluent in Common, Gnomish and Marquesian. His age is unknown, but he has hinted that there is a "significant age gap" between himself and Percy. It was later revealed in the final episode that his starting age was sixty-nine.

At some point in his past, at least fifteen years before the start of Critical Role, Scanlan encountered a gnome named Sybil (one of many women he has "encountered"). Scanlan unknowingly left her pregnant with a daughter, Kaylie. In fact, Scanlan implied that he had knowledge that he has fathered more children than just Kaylie in "Masquerade" (7x15).

Scanlan joined up with Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe at some point. He left before joining the group that would become Vox Machina.

Scanlan is an extensive womanizer, but has been known to flirt with men as well, particularly Grog and Vax. He has said that Vax kissing him was not the first time an elf-man kissed him (but it was in the top three). When Vax and Grog pranked him with a potion of love, causing him to become infatuated with Percy, it was confirmed that Scanlan is bi- or pansexual:

Interactions[ | ]

Quests[ | ]

Behind the scenes[ | ]

She is a reference to Scanlan Shorthalt, the Gnome Bard of Vox Machina from the D&D web series Critical Role.

There is a free DLC including the voice pack voiced by Sam Riegel and photo of the character from the show.
