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All Pillars of Eternity companions (except for Grieving Mother) have special banter with other characters. This page lists all of these.

This breakdown bases on Obsidian's official translation files. Durance has no banter file of his own, but reacts to other companions. A few dialogs are not present in game.

Aloth[ | ]

  • Hiravias: "So Aloth... I've been wondering. Have you and Iselmyr ever tried to... you know..."
  • Aloth: "No. No. No."
  • Hiravias: "As in...? No you haven't tried, or you have tried and-"
  • Aloth: "No."

  • Aloth: "Whatever happens, at least we're out of that mudhole, Gilded Vale."
  • Edér: "I grew up in Gilded Vale."
  • Aloth: "Quaint. That's what I meant to call it."
  • Edér: "You had it right."

  • Durance: "Have you ever chased a skirt, wizard, or do you merely hide behind them?"
  • Aloth: "Don't pawn your personal problems off on me."
  • Durance: "They will use you. Cast you off when it suits them. Never speak another word to you."
  • Aloth: "Maybe they just don't answer to 'fiery whore.'"

  • Durance: "Bring back the feisty one. There's a woman can do some damage squeezing her legs together."
  • Aloth: "It isn't a parlor trick. Besides, she doesn't take orders well."
  • Durance: "She has backbone, that woman. Does it scare you?"
  • Aloth: "No, but I won't be responsible for what happens if you call her 'whore.'"

  • Aloth: "That was Iselmyr. Not me."
  • Hiravias: "Oh... so I'm guessing that time you asked for a stelgaer ride..."
  • Aloth: "Definitely Iselmyr."

  • Aloth: "Right fetchin fithers, lass."
  • Pallegina: "Repeat, please, in Aedyran. And stand closer so I can grab your neck if you said what I think you did."
  • Aloth: "That was Iselmyr! She... likes your feathers."
  • Pallegina: "Thanks, but I'm not interested, 'Iselmyr.'"

  • Aloth: "You've been on your own for five years?"
  • Sagani: "I've had Itumaak."
  • Aloth: "But you can't talk to him."
  • Sagani: "My standards changed around year two."

  • Kana: "I wonder, Aloth, don't you ever feel curious about Iselmyr's history?"
  • Aloth: "Not even a little."
  • Kana: "But think of the opportunities! You could learn so much about the past."
  • Aloth: "There are some things I'm happy not knowing."

  • Aloth: "You had five siblings?"
  • Kana: "That's right. Between the six of us, I don't think the house has known a single day's quiet. Of course, a little chaos makes it far easier to get away with mischief."
  • Aloth: "Yes, I can imagine that comes in handy."

  • Aloth: "Your own father sold you to the brotherhood?"
  • Pallegina: "He hated me anyway. I was glad to be gone. The ducs are my parents now, the Republics my children."
  • Aloth: "That's an interesting way of looking at it."

Edér[ | ]

  • Edér: "Sagani, does your fox bite?"
  • Sagani: "Yes."
  • Edér: "Can I pet him anyway?"
  • Sagani: "It's your hand."
  • Edér: "I'm gonna pet him."

  • Sagani: "How's the hand?"
  • Edér: "Turning purple. Might have to cut it off."
  • Sagani: "I warned you not to pet him."
  • Edér: "If I'm not supposed to pet him why is he so soft?"

  • Edér: "Hey Aloth, can I uh... talk to your, uh, you know, your friend?"
  • Aloth: "What is it about Iselmyr? I'm right here, you know."
  • Edér: "No, no. You're both great, it's just, well I feel like I don't get to spend as much time with her and she's just so funny. Some of the things she says—"
  • Aloth: "Are not nearly as funny when you've been hearing them for fifty years."

  • Edér: "Next time we get the chance, I'm buying you a pint."
  • Aloth: "That means a lot, Edér."
  • Edér: "Oh did you want one too? Sorry I meant for Iselmyr. I'll get you one too."

  • Edér: "Hey pig! Hey pig! Woo pig! Ha, look at him with his little tail."

  • Edér: Edér clicks his tongue at the dog. "Who's a good boy? Who needs his belly scratched?"

  • Edér: "Hey, you think we could get another dog? Keep this one company? Just a thought."

  • Edér: "Here, kitty! C'mon, I wanna pet you."

  • Edér: "So those feathers - that's a blessing of Hylea?"
  • Pallegina: "So they say."
  • Edér: "That's lucky. Where I'm from, we see a feathered lady, we start worrying maybe her dad got frisky with his hens."
  • Pallegina: "I guess you can always trust a farm boy's head to go there first."

  • Edér: "You work for the ducs of the Vailian Republics, huh?"
  • Pallegina: "Ac. For as long as they will allow."
  • Edér: "Must be nice always knowing who you're supposed to serve."
  • Pallegina: "Well, there are five of them, but even so, knowing 'who' is easier than knowing 'how.'"

  • Edér: "Been a pleasant surprise traveling with you, Hiravias."
  • Hiravias: "Nice of you to say that. I was on the road alone for years and I'm happy to have company for a change."
  • Edér: "My part of the country has a saying about orlans, 'Face of skin, let them in. Face of hair, best beware.' But you're more like a skin-faced orlan."
  • Hiravias: "Are you fucking kidding me? Well MY tribe has a saying, 'Head of brunette, they're all set. Head of blond, says everything wrong.'"
  • Edér: "Was that bad? I meant it like a compliment."

  • Edér: "Hey I'm sorry about what I said before. About the, uh, the skin-faced orlans."
  • Hiravias: "It's all right. I knew what you were trying to say and that's why I didn't gut you."
  • Edér: "I didn't know I was saying something bad."
  • Hiravias: "I get it, I get it - let's just put it behind us."
  • Edér: "Now that we're friends again is it okay if I pet you?"
  • Hiravias: "What? NO! Damn it, Edér! Is your family tree just one looping square?!"

Kana Rua[ | ]

  • Kana: "Edér , you have said you fought in the Saint's War - but for which side?"
  • Edér: "The one that blew up my god."
  • Kana: "I didn't mean anything by it. I imagine a man with a head made of fire and light could be very convincing."
  • Edér: "Funny thing about Dyrwoodans. With all that fire and light they just treated him like another authority figure."

  • Kana: "Your brother... Did you and he get along?"
  • Edér: "We got along how brothers do. He used to throw water on me to wake me up in the morning. I used to fill his boots with stinging ants."
  • Kana: "My own brothers and sisters are doing very well for themselves, back in Tâkowa. ...I don't know that they'd search for me, if I were killed so far from home."
  • Edér: "Brothers can be funny. I bet you'd be surprised how far they'd go."
  • Kana: "...You're right, it's a very personal question. Let's drop the subject."

  • Hiravias: "So Kana... what do folk in Rauatai do for fun? Aside from each other. Do you just gape at every shiny object that comes along - or is that just what you do when abroad?"
  • Kana: "Tâkowa may be more traditional, but it has its share of festivals. Drink a little wine, find someone to dance with..."
  • Hiravias: "Wine and dancing? Guess I had it all wrong. So no shark races and undersea orgies?"
  • Kana: "No, that's all true."

  • Hiravias: "Are you staring at my eye patch or my ear stump?"
  • Kana: "Sorry. I was only thinking. The Eyeless Face seems to hound my steps. They say he unravels mysteries as well as hides them, but I'm starting to doubt it."
  • Hiravias: "Wael does not unravel, but he helps guide you to the path of learning for yourself. If he gave us answers, the resulting knowledge would be without value."
  • Kana: "You never get frustrated? With all these riddles and obtuse prophecies? Just once I'd like to get a clear answer."
  • Hiravias: "And just once I'd like to meet a woman who goes into heat at the first whiff of stelgaer urine, but that's not going to happen either."

  • Kana: "- and slew the ogre with one blow.' What do you think?"
  • Hiravias: "Great. Wonderful. What? Sorry, I lost track of things when you go to... the part about... when you mentioned the thing...um..."
  • Kana: "Would you prefer it if Nirawa were facing a stelgaer? ...While undressed?"
  • Hiravias: "How about half-dressed? Mail on top, nothing on bottom... tell the story like that next time."

  • Kana: "You must have seen some amazing sights on your way north."
  • Sagani: "Sure. Pirate cities floating in the archipelago, the mountain halls of these northern dwarves... Plenty."
  • Kana: "I haven't been further south than the Dyrwood, myself. Maybe I'll come back, after I've convinced the ranga nui, and see all those things for myself."
  • Sagani: "I... hope you do."

  • Sagani: "All right, Kana?"
  • Kana: "...Have you ever looked up and felt a sudden surprise at where you are? I think it's just sunk in that I'm a year out from home."
  • Sagani: "Only every day. You'll get used to it."

  • Kana: "I'll grant you that animancy has had its failures - Baelreach among them - but does that warrant attacks on innocent practitioners? Superstitious kith have spilled their share of blood."
  • Aloth: "That's no comparison! Animancers have the advantage of education, and with that comes authority. And responsibility."
  • Kana: "I have to say, it's wonderful to have someone to debate with! You'd think they'd be more welcoming of it at the lore college..."
  • Aloth: "Or we could enjoy a glass of wine and a comfortable silence."

  • Kana: "So you really didn't know about the Leaden Key's activities?"
  • Aloth: "You think I- look, I knew nothing about their attempts on your life, I swear."
  • Kana: "What? No, no - I'm just wondering how the Leaden Key parcels out information. I did notice that the younger sorts didn't seem to wander off script very often..."
  • Aloth: "...Oh. You would find that more interesting, wouldn't you?"

  • Kana: "Come now, it'll be fun."
  • Aloth: "No."
  • Kana: "Even just a single-"
  • Aloth: "I'm not calling Iselmyr out just so you can learn Hylspeak. ...I'll write down a few words."

  • Kana: "I often dreamed of visiting of the Republics. There, at least, the people value trade."
  • Pallegina: "Trade of all things, it's true, and competition between the Republics keeps us strong."
  • Kana: "Rauatai is a unified nation, with fleeter ships... Someday it may prove a worthy competitor."
  • Pallegina: "There's more to dominating trade than fast ships. Maybe you could write a poem to help your countrymen figure it out."
  • Kana: "I'm content to remain a burr in your boots. But here - if you but stand on the docks you can single-handedly ensure no one ever sails to the Dyrwood again."

  • Pallegina: "Something funny, big man?"
  • Kana: "I'm sorry. It's just - When you started shouting, that poor man looked as if he'd piss himself."

  • Pallegina: "Nothing seems to trouble you much, does it, Kana?"
  • Kana: "Oh, I don't know. I never found much use in getting worked up over the little things."
  • Pallegina: "Maybe to an aumaua, it all just looks like little things."

  • Pallegina: "Your coloration, Kana... you're an island aumaua, aren't you? What's it like in Deadfire? I've only heard tall tales."
  • Kana: "I wouldn't really know. I've never been to any of the Deadfire settlements, and my parents told me very little. Mostly pirate stories."
  • Kana: "From time to time my mother says she misses the quiet of her village, but little else. She has always pushed my sisters to do what she could not as a child."

  • Kana: "In Tâkowa we have a memorial for the Saint's War. They say a Rauatai artillery master contributed to the Godhammer bomb. I wondered - "
  • Durance: "Of course. You want Rauatai to be a part of this history. Crow about how your people helped the Dyrwood. Maybe your 'ranga nui' lied, aumaua."
  • Kana: "On second thought, I'll ask Edér."

  • Durance: "So you will go to your king and what? Implore him to curb his violent impulses? At the word of a heroic academic?"
  • Kana: "You don't usually grace me with your flattery, priest. What merits this attention?"
  • Durance: "All Rauatai's history is war, same as everyone. If only the world were led by soft-hearted giants who waste their muscles stroking their own quills, wouldn't that be grand?"
  • Kana: "On second thought, I'll ask... anyone else."

Sagani[ | ]

  • Sagani: "Like I always say - blame it on the fox."

  • Sagani: "Itumaak... What have I told you about chasing pigs?"

  • Hiravias: "...before I knew it, the stelgaer was on top of me and I was face down in the dirt."
  • Sagani: "Arrow to the throat. That stops them."
  • Hiravias: "What? No. I was spiritshifted. And she was in heat. So I aimed for the throat but not with an arrow..."

  • Sagani: "But if your ducs ordered you to return home..."
  • Pallegina: "The safety of the Republics is being decided here. If I do what needs to be done, there'll be time enough to beg forgiveness when the dust settles."
  • Sagani: "You must do what you feel is best. I understand."

  • Sagani: "Surely you'll go back when this is all over."
  • Edér: "Dunno. Guess that all depends."
  • Sagani: "You're from Gilded Vale? Then you're close to home."
  • Edér: "Ha! Close can mean a lot of things."

  • Kana: "I have never been to Naasitaq. Is it very cold? What creatures wander the tundra? How are your leaders chosen?"
  • Sagani: "Do you always ask this many questions?"
  • Kana: "Well, that's just to get us started! Let me get out some parchment for notes..."
  • Sagani: "Ask whatever you want. If I don't know, I'll make something up."

  • Kana: "Ah, the life of a traveler. So many ruins to uncover. Places to see."
  • Sagani: "Indeed, though after five years, I'll be ready for a break."
  • Kana: "It is true, you have been at it far longer than I! Where will you go next, when you have all the world to choose from?"
  • Sagani: "Home, of course."

  • Sagani: "You don't get tired of this, do you?"
  • Kana: "What's to tire of? There's always something new just on the horizon!"
  • Sagani: "That... should worry you every now and then."

  • Durance: "This elder of yours. He may have returned a drunk, or an invalid."
  • Sagani: "Maybe. But the search for Persoq is just as important as what I find."
  • Durance: "Is that right? And what if you return empty-handed?"
  • Sagani: "I never return empty-handed."

  • Sagani: "Of all the things I've gotten used to, food was the hardest adjustment."
  • Aloth: "I quite agree. Dyrwoodans oversalt everything and drown it in sauce."
  • Sagani: "And they burn out all the flavor. Nothing like a raw deer flank."

  • Hiravias: "And this gash here is from when I woke up with a wolf pack trying to eat me."
  • Sagani: "There. Mauled by a bear seven years ago."
  • Hiravias: "Oh yeah, look here and... here. Once the bull had me properly hooked on its horns, things got worse..."

  • Sagani: "You fought for the Dyrwood in the Saint's War?"
  • Edér: "We'd better grab a couple pints before you get me going on that one."
  • Sagani: "No complaints here."

  • Sagani: "Son of a moosefucker!"
  • Aloth: "I beg your pardon?"
  • Sagani: "Sorry. Kallu's always telling me to watch my language, 'specially around the kids. Guess I haven't had a reminder in a while."
  • Aloth: "What happened?"
  • Sagani: "One of them heard me tell a joke about a Glamfellen youth with frostbite somewhere... sensitive. Kids repeat everything."
  • Aloth: "I meant just now."
  • Sagani: "Jammed my thumb. Nothing big."

  • Sagani: "Itumaak! Leave the pig alone."

  • Sagani: "Don't bother the cat, Itumaak. You'd have better odds against a stelgaer."

Pallegina[ | ]

  • Pallegina: "I don't miss my village. It's all just bad memories and the reek of fish guts to me now."

  • Pallegina: "Edér, how is it you Eothasians stay so optimistic? The world has not given your kind much reason to hope."
  • Edér: "You get to a certain point and you realize you got two options. You can go mad with grief and tear out all your hair and check yourself into the sanitarium, or you can wait for better days."
  • Pallegina: "Well, feathers in my case, but I understand your point."

  • Pallegina : "Do you still have family living in the Dyrwood, Edér?"
  • Edér: "No, not these days. Parents left the country years back during the Purges. I think about them a lot."
  • Pallegina : "It's a shame you and your family suffered even after the Saint's War ended. You Dyrwoodans certainly have a knack for holding on to old grudges."

  • Pallegina: "Edér, how were you able to fight in the Saint's War? I have heard the locals didn't trust any of their Eothasian countrymen."

  • Pallegina: "Aloth, never before have I met an Aedyran man so hesitant to speak his mind."
  • Aloth: "I'm not hesitant. I just... like to consider my words carefully."
  • Pallegina: "You should really hear yourself talk, aimico."

  • Pallegina: "You seem... preoccupied with details, Aloth. Almost consumed by them, I'd say."
  • Aloth: "Once you've seen a colleague misuse Arkemyr's Capricious Hex, you learn an appreciation for details."
  • Pallegina: "This sounds like wizard talk, so I'll just take your word for it."

  • Pallegina : "Aloth, you are Aedyran, yes? You speak with the accent of someone from Cythwood."

  • Pallegina: "Durance, do you take anything seriously, or is the entire world just a setup for your idiotic punchlines?"
  • Durance: "The world is the punchline, bird woman. In all its weakness. Would you kill the messenger?"
  • Pallegina: "If he were as annoying as you, I'd consider it."

  • Pallegina: "You know, Durance, just because you follow the goddess of fire doesn't mean you need to literally consume everything you come across."
  • Durance: "The fire is a favor I grant to those I meet. It makes them stronger or it ends them mercifully if not."
  • Pallegina: "The remaining unemptied beer steins of the Dyrwood quake in fear."

  • Pallegina: "Hiravias, do people treat you badly... because of how you look?"
  • Hiravias: "Are you kidding me? My face looks like a cautionary tale about the dangers of wild animals and I'm even shorter than other orlans my age. People just like to heckle me."
  • Pallegina: "Don't ever let them. Be proud of who you are. They're the ones who should feel shame."

  • Pallegina: "Hiravias, do you really believe all of that nonsense about being 'chosen' by the gods?"
  • Hiravias: "I think they choose us with all the care and concern of choosing which fruit to pluck from a tree. I think the gods certainly use us, and I'm not yet convinced there's any greatness in being 'chosen' as such."
  • Pallegina: "Verus. That makes two of us alone in a world of zealots and madmen."

  • Pallegina: "Sagani, what is it like to not see your children for so long? I... imagine it must be difficult."
  • Sagani: "Even in Massuk, I'm on the hunt more than at home. But five years... it's been a strain."
  • Pallegina: "Then to your good fortune! Ado vidòrio! May you see them all again soon."

  • Pallegina: "Sagani, I had heard that women do the hunting in Naasitaq but wasn't sure if I could believe it until I met you."
  • Sagani: "And I thought it was our raw meat diet that made us strange."
  • Pallegina: "Well, that too, honestly."

  • Pallegina: "I've traveled thousands of miles on Vailian trading ships, but never seen the shores of Naasitaq. How did you find your way on your own, Sagani?"
  • Sagani: "Well, it has taken five years. But Itumaak never wants to ask for directions."
  • Pallegina: "Perhaps you should take over as navigator in the future."

  • Pallegina: "Your necklace is beautiful, Sagani. Is it made of adra?"

  • Pallegina: "Kana, what do you know about the legends of Old Vailia? I only heard myths in my village and stories at the Brotherhood."
  • Kana: "Less than I'd like, and that from old books and the occasional trader. Tales of noble families and famed inventors. The Grand Empire, now fallen. But the myths are beautiful, aren't they? Bold heroes, whose descendants dared to cross the Great Eastern long before the Dyrwood was a kernel of a thought."
  • Pallegina: "Ac! I wish I could have been alive to see the empire at its height. But I suppose this new world is now ours to make, the legends ours to write."

  • Pallegina: "I have sailed many places with the ducs' fleets, Kana, but never have I seen the famed Coral Harbor of Rauatai."
  • Kana: "It is worth the journey north, I promise you. Especially now that the Gate of Great Teeth is finished. A labyrinth of towering spires, gleaming red in the sun."
  • Pallegina: "I doubt my duties will ever take me there, but at least your words have given me something to dream of."

  • Pallegina: "What will it mean for you, Kana, if you find this... chant? Poem?"

  • Pallegina: "Oh! Kana, I just remembered an old Vailian song - maybe it was dwarven - from when I was a girl."
  • Kana: "Really? Let's hear it!"
  • Pallegina: "Vanimba med se-e, vanimba med se-e! Senete des lusces? Senete des lusces... ? Do you know it?"
  • Kana: "Aheh...hrm. No, I'm afraid I can't say I ever heard that, ah, particular tune."

Hiravias[ | ]

  • Hiravias: "So Aloth, have you ever woken up to find that your other half used your body during the night?"
  • Aloth: "I don't think I understand you. And I'm not sure I want to."
  • Hiravias: "Well I've found that if I go to sleep hungry enough, I wake up covered in blood and delightfully full."

  • Hiravias: "When you were a kid, did you dream that you'd live a life of arcane practice?"
  • Aloth: "It was never my decision. But I've come to appreciate that it was made."
  • Hiravias: "As a kid, I figured I was too stupid and impatient to learn magic. How about you, Aloth?"

  • Durance: "With a cat's nose, how is it you've failed to notice your rotten stench?"
  • Hiravias: "Failed to notice? Hardly, I put work into smelling this way."
  • Durance: "I should have expected."
  • Hiravias: "I never know what sort of game is downwind. I need to smell like part of nature, not an interloper."

  • Hiravias: "No no, what's impressive, is cleaving a man's spine WITHOUT lopping the head clean off. THAT takes aim."
  • Edér: "Did that once. My case, it was an accident and I still wake up some nights feeling bad for him."

  • Kana: "Does music sound different to you when your ears - or, ah, ear - is another shape?"
  • Hiravias: "Yes, I find it unpleasant. Most everything seems shrill when I'm a stelgaer."
  • Kana: "Maybe your keen senses just haven't heard truly fine music yet."
  • Hiravias: "A masterfully crafted annoyance is still an annoyance."

  • Hiravias : "So do you have feathers everywhere?"
  • Pallegina: "Eccosi?"
  • Hiravias: "You know... does your tiara match your tail feathers?"
  • Pallegina: "We're about to find out if your viscera match your fur."
  • Hiravias: "Forget I said anything - I rather value my viscera."

  • Sagani: "I always assumed Glanfathans preferred traditional weaponry. Yet you seem uneasy with the bow..."
  • Hiravias: "Oh I was a great shot... when I had two eyes. I'm much worse now, it's hard for me to judge distances."
  • Sagani: "Well, you have the luxury of being able to catch dinner without the need of a bow."
  • Hiravias: "Ever tried vulture?"
  • Sagani "We don't have those in Naasitaq."
  • Hiravias: "Your loss. They can eat anything, so their stomach juices are sour and tangy - like ripe fruit."
  • Sagani: "My loss indeed..."

  • Hiravias: "Well my favorite trick is to pretend I'm just a dead orlan until something gets really close, then I shift."
  • Sagani: "A clever tactic."
  • Hiravias: "I'll say. I once killed a moose by giving it a heart attack."

  • Sagani: "Do you enjoy hunting with your stelgaer form, or do you prefer traditional weapons?"

  • Pallegina: "Did your father teach you to hunt?"
  • Hiravias: "No, that task fell to the tribe's huntmaster, though he tried everything in his power not to teach me."
  • Pallegina: "Were you a difficult student?"
  • Hiravias: "No, the huntmaster felt that meadow fur was a sign of weakness - I could do nothing right by him on account of my hair color."
  • Pallegina: "I'm familiar with the sentiment. Ah, from the Vailian Republics to Eir Glanfath, narrowness of mind is truly universal."

  • Hiravias: "Exactly. Why aren't more women complimenting me on that?"

  • Hiravias: "Ever tried three-point nettle?"
  • Edér: "Used to smoke that a few years back - love the flavor but got tired of smelling like it."
  • Hiravias: "How about dyrcap?"
  • Edér: "Long as I don't need to be anywhere for a couple days."
  • Hiravias: "Ever spend an evening with a comely lass while on dyrcap?"
  • Edér: "Thought that was the point."

  • Hiravias: "Pardon me madam, I didn't see you there. My whole right side is sort of a blind spot."
  • Grieving Mother: "No need to trouble yourself."
  • Hiravias: "Well I was wondering how long you've been... oh forget it. Probably no big deal."

  • Kana: "If you've the time, Hiravias, I thought perhaps you could tell me a little about the Glanfathan perspective on the Engwithans."
  • Hiravias: "You mean the Builders? I don't really want to get into it..."
  • Kana: "I promise not to comment! I'm a student of culture, it's hardly my place to judge."
  • Hiravias: "Not that. If I start talking about the Builders, it'll remind me that I ought to kill all of you for violating the sanctity of their lands."

Devil of Caroc[ | ]

  • Devil of Caroc: "It ever occur to you that maybe those ducs sent you here to screw things up?"
  • Pallegina: "It takes a paranoid mind to dream up a scenario where that makes any sense."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Hate to piss on your daisies, but them ducs'll sell you out when it suits 'em."
  • Pallegina: "My life is theirs. I don't question how it will end, so long as it ends in service to the Republics."

  • Devil of Caroc: "First, your neighbors hound you 'cause you say the wrong prayers at suppertime."
  • Edér: "If it wasn't that, it'd be something else. Just their way of letting you know they care."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Then, some cross-eyed lord gets to stringing up your neighbors."
  • Edér: "Couple of 'em were ones that had been hounding me, so that worked out at least."

  • Devil of Caroc: "What did you say?"
  • Aloth: "N-nothing..."
  • Devil of Caroc: "That's what I like about you."
  • Aloth: "Beg your pardon?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "You don't talk much."

  • Devil of Caroc: "I know you said something this time..."
  • Aloth: "Aye, I asked what happens if I pull that skully plate on your head."
  • Devil of Caroc: "I'm guessin' this ain't the first time that mouth of yours has earned you a pair of black eyes."
  • Aloth: "Fye, that old smith must've left your sense o' humor in your old body."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Oh, I'm laughing. Just real quiet-like."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Enough with the fancy words. You're just trying to make the rest of us feel bad."
  • Aloth: "A strong vocabulary is any man's treasure."
  • Devil of Caroc: "My ma said a clever fellow could explain himself in the simplest words."
  • Aloth: "Well, she was... ahem, a smart lady, your mother."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Thought you Glanfathans was all fanatical and shit."
  • Hiravias: "I am fanatical. I'm just suppressing it so I don't have to kill all my friends."
  • Devil of Caroc: "So it don't chafe you none that our mutual friend here's been prancing through your sacred ruins?"
  • Hiravias: "No it does, it really does. I'm gonna kill him any time now."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Old man, I'd give you a taste of that fire you're pining for if we wasn't in such pleasant company."
  • Durance: "The fires where I come from reduce metal to shapeless liquid. It's where your kind belongs, along with all the other abominations of animancy."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Way you're always clutching at that staff makes me think Magran burned off the other one. That what happened?"
  • Durance: "We are not all so afraid of the fire. Some of us see the beauty of its work."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Heard tell you fought in the Saint's War. Which side was that?"
  • Edér: "Didn't much matter in the end. Both sides lost."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Just as well. Got no love for either."
  • Edér: "I suppose I don't, either, these days."

  • Devil of Caroc: "So. Your squad ever come through Cold Morn?"
  • Edér: "Huh uh. Never made it up that way."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Then we're still good."

  • Devil of Caroc: "I see them wheels turning. Give the word and I'll get behind him."
  • Edér: "Uh... what are we talking about?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "Killing that pox-jowled priest, 'course. Ain't that what you was thinking?"
  • Edér: "What? No! That's too far, even for me."
  • Edér: "Gotta wait till it gets darker or he's just gonna see it coming."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Hey. Uh, how's that song go again? The one you was singing a minute ago."
  • Kana: "North and Home Again? Just getting into the mountain spirit. I'll keep it to a hum, if you like."
  • Devil of Caroc: "No, it was nice. Fact, you could sing it some more. If you want."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Ain't heard a voice like yours in quite a spell, Kana. What got you into chanting?"
  • Kana: "You know, I'm not certain. It's good as breathing, now. Perhaps my mother sang one too many hymns over her belly."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Mine taught me how to gut a rabbit and skin it in one piece. Guess that explains a few things."
  • Kana: "Do you recall any songs from your life before? In Cold Morn, I mean?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "Was a few I used to know - fireside ditties, mostly, and a few ballads."
  • Kana: "Come on, then, let's hear one!"
  • Devil of Caroc: "You'd get a prettier sound out of a rusty hinge. Used to sing back when I had the voice for it."

  • Zahua: "What was it like, to have your soul thrust into a cold metal vessel?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "Bend over and I'll show you."
  • Zahua: "You mistake Zahua. I admire your pain. It is unique... a beautiful gift."

  • Devil of Caroc: "After you learn this big secret, that's when you go back and kill the Quechmalts, right?"
  • Zahua: "I seek only to liberate my people from the Quechmatl."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Playing the long game. So they don't expect you. You're smarter than you look, Zahua."
  • Zahua: "A few more years and the slavers will have died of old age."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Says the man who's too far gone to feel any."

  • Devil of Caroc: "You're full of shit, Zahua."
  • Zahua : "You mean the malcachoa?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "They killed your men and raped your women and that don't boil your blood?"
  • Zahua : "Hatred is a trap. Those it catches will never be free of their suffering."
  • Devil of Caroc: "That why you hightailed it out of Ixamitl?"
  • Zahua : "I could leave because I was not caught. I hope you will be able to say the same one day."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Quechmalt."
  • Zahua: "Quechmatl."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Quechmate."
  • Zahua: "Quechmatl."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Now you're just saying it different to confuse me."

  • Sagani: "Hey. For what it's worth, I'm sorry we didn't get him."

  • Devil of Caroc: "One book ain't gonna fix your country, Kana. Steel solves quarrels faster'n paper any day."
  • Kana: "There is power in shared history. The Watcher is proof of that much."
  • Devil of Caroc: "There's power in shared ass-kicking, too. Round up your brothers and sisters and show 'em how it's done."

  • Devil of Caroc: "You're making that face again. The one you make when you been thinking too much."
  • Kana: "I'm only curious. I wasn't expecting Harmke to walk away from that."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Now you're giving me second thoughts."
  • Kana: "I'd best keep quiet, then."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Ain't seen many aumaua, but that don't look like your usual shade. Feeling queasy over Harmke?"
  • Kana: "He wasn't my monster. ...Did it help?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "No. But it needed doing."

  • Devil of Caroc: "Thought about snuffing him anyway since we'd gone through all that trouble."
  • Sagani: "It wouldn't be the same. I know."

  • Sagani: "I've never been good with snares. Give me a bow any day."
  • Devil of Caroc: "The thing about snares is you can walk away and let 'em work. Nice, easy."
  • Sagani: "That's the problem. I can never leave them alone."

Zahua[ | ]

  • Edér: "Zahua, you mind if I borrow some of that malcachoa?"
  • Zahua: "You are searching for insight?"
  • Edér: "Nah, I was just gonna feed it to Durance while he was sleeping and pretend to be the ghost of Eothas."
  • Zahua: "I also have a pepper that will make him think he is being slowly devoured by a great serpent if you are interested."

  • Zahua: "It sounds as though you have suffered greatly, Aloth."
  • Aloth: "Thank you, yes. It's rare I get much understanding."
  • Zahua: "Tell me of your lowest moment."
  • Aloth: "Well, when I was a child, I- Wait, are you enjoying this?"
  • Zahua: "Spare no details."

  • Aloth: "I don't see how suffering can be beautiful to you, Zahua."
  • Zahua: "Suffering and flourishing are the same thing, expressed in opposite ways."
  • Aloth: "So are love and hate, but you would never confuse them."
  • Zahua: "You have never courted a Tacan woman, I see."

  • Kana: "Zahua, how is it the Nalpazca are so untroubled by ridicule, or self-doubt? Can such techniques be taught?"
  • Zahua: "You do not have what it takes to learn."
  • Kana: "That's ridic- I've always been an attentive student. I have three degrees!"
  • Zahua: "And your nose is too big for your face."
  • Kana: "It may be a little ungainly but it's- Oh. Oh, I see now."

  • Kana: "I still can't believe the tablet is truly gone. Years of study, only to find a little pile of stones."
  • Zahua: "There is no greater suffering of the soul than failure."
  • Kana: "Well, now, that's not quite... I mean, we did learn more about the Engwithans than just about anyone else alive."
  • Zahua: "Shh. Do not ruin this for me."

  • Zahua: "Your life's work was for nothing."
  • Kana: "Every piece of evidence pointed to that tablet. And now it is out of reach, forever."

  • Aloth: "Fye, 'twas his own hand drew those scars! I could clip him."
  • Zahua: "My scars make you uneasy."
  • Aloth: "That was Iselmyr. She... doesn't speak for me."
  • Zahua: "Are you sure? A good clipping would be welcome."

  • Aloth: "Your master died? Before you'd finished your training?"
  • Zahua: "He had finished training me. But he left much untaught."
  • Aloth: "And you were alone and adrift? Now that sounds like true suffering."
  • Zahua: "If it is, I prefer the other kinds."

  • Sagani: "You've been searching for decades. And I thought I'd been on the road a long time."
  • Zahua: "We are always on the road. Trying to find our way back home."
  • Sagani: "Not forever, I hope. I'm looking forward to the home fire and a pot of fermented milk."
  • Zahua: "Ah, the Tacan make excellent fermented milk. The blindness wears off in only a few days."

  • Sagani: "Don't you ever miss it? The sound of your own tongue? The smell of something familiar on the cookfire?"
  • Zahua: "Their absence is part of my suffering. I keep it close to my heart and it gives me strength."
  • Sagani: "If only absence could fill my belly as well as a good caribou shank."

  • Zahua: "Does anyone have any extra rations? I did some whiteleaf and now I am very hungry."

  • Zahua: "Ugh. I knew that malcachoa was bad."

  • Zahua: "Does everyone else see that kraken?"

  • Zahua: "Does everyone else see that stelgaer in the undersized breeches?"

  • Zahua: "When did Durance get bird legs?"

  • Zahua: "That was WAY too much blacsonn."

  • Zahua: "Whoa. My hands do NOT look like that. Whoa."

Maneha[ | ]

  • Kana: "All that time fighting upon the sea... You must have some great stories."
  • Maneha: "The rotgut and cannon blasts knocked most of them out of my head. Those were good days."
  • Kana: "You ought to meet my sister. Where in Rauatai are you from, anyway?"
  • Maneha: "Little coastal town. Definitely no cannons or rotgut there."

  • Maneha: "Anyone ever tell you that you have the best accent?"
  • Pallegina: "Wha- ? No. I mean, some have. Men. Foolish praise, in any case. It's just an ordinary Vailian accent."
  • Maneha: "Come on, say it one more time. Please."
  • Pallegina: "Uhh... sciòderie. Tonderie? Ugh. Be cente com ane niscàmonet."

  • Maneha: "Pallegina, I’ve kneecapped people who were nicer to me than these 'brothers' of yours."
  • Pallegina: "There's no point to staying mad at them. Besides, I serve the ducs. They appreciate me, even if the brothers don't."
  • Maneha: "Any merc company would execute half its foot soldiers to have you."
  • Pallegina: "Well, if the ducs ever tire of my service, at least I know I have options."

  • Maneha: "Scenic marches and campfire feasts. Like the good old days on the Vailian front. You got any memories like that, Edér?"
  • Edér: "Well, let's see. Sometimes we'd march two, three days without sleep. Start seeing things that weren't there."
  • Maneha: "Nice thing about mercenary work is you can always quit."

  • Maneha: "Edér, you were a military man. Ever consider making a career of it?"
  • Edér: "I did for a while. Then I heard you could make money shoveling pig shit and thought that sounded better."
  • Maneha: "At least it would get you out of the Dyrwood."

  • Kana: "So, Maneha... I just... You handle yourself very well on the field. "
  • Maneha: "Why, tha- wait, are you flirting with me?"
  • Kana: "I know I'm a little young but, heh, I've always been a quick study- "
  • Maneha: "And I've always preferred women."

  • Maneha: "...come to find there's no ambush! The troops were arguing over the bounty."
  • Sagani: "Sounds like my kids."
  • Maneha: "You haven't seen them in, what, five years? You must be eager to get home."
  • Sagani: "Yeah, although five years doesn't sound that long compared to thirty."
  • Maneha: "Has it been that long?"

  • Maneha: "And then you hit your own father?"
  • Aloth: "Not I! That was Iselmyr."
  • Maneha: "Yeah, but you're the same person."
  • Aloth: "Fye and coxfithers to that!"
  • Maneha: "I see your point."

  • Maneha: "When do you think you'll venture out again?"
  • Sagani: "I'll stay home for a season after my return, but then I'll rejoin the hunts."
  • Maneha: "And then you'll embark on another journey? Like this one?"
  • Sagani: "Not in this lifetime."

  • Maneha: "Wow. So it doesn't even bother you that most of your people died?"
  • Zahua: "The Nalpazca learn to embrace death."
  • Maneha: "And the remaining few were enslaved?"
  • Zahua: "As long as the spirit is free, bonds of the flesh do us no harm."
  • Maneha: "You've got to tell me how you do it."

  • Kana: "Did you see that dwarven woman? Hips like a church bell."
  • Maneha: "Now you want me to be 'that' friend? I can't help you with women, Kana."
  • Kana: "As you like. She was making eyes at you the whole time, so I thought... "
  • Maneha: "Maybe just point her out. Next time you see her."

  • Maneha: "You all sure have a lot of traditions."
  • Sagani: "In Massuk, it's our connection to our past that keeps us going."
  • Maneha: "I'll say. It's kept you going for five years."
  • Sagani: "And yours has kept you running for thirty."
  • Maneha: "I'm going to look at this thing over here."

  • Maneha: "You’ve come a long way to find someone who’s been dead so long. You think Persoq’ll remember you?"
  • Sagani: "The important thing is sharing what the village remembers. Who he was, what he did."
  • Maneha: "Ever think he’s happier not knowing?"
  • Sagani: "That's not for him or me to decide."

  • Kana: "They finished the Gate of Great Teeth, you know."
  • Maneha: "Never seen it. That was after my time."
  • Kana: "Really? Maybe you ought to visit. A lot's changed since then."
  • Maneha: "Yeah, and not just in Rauatai."

  • Aloth: "Aldleaf brandy? Isn't that a tad expensive for a mercenary's wages?"
  • Maneha: "It is if you pay in silver. I paid in steel."
  • Aloth: "That's the most senseless act of-"
  • Maneha: "I traded a very nice dagger for it. What kind of bloodthirsty lunatic do you think I am?"
  • Aloth: "One with exquisite taste."

  • Maneha: "So, if our Watcher hadn’t come along, you would’ve let those drunks carve you a new nose?"
  • Aloth: "I was softening them up!"
  • Maneha: "When trouble boils over, it’s boots or blade, Aloth."
  • Aloth: "I was sure you’d consider booze an acceptable option."

  • Maneha: "Ondra's Tides, Durance, you crack me up."
  • Durance: "Hm? There's no joke to be had, aumaua. Only the observations of a humble missionary."
  • Maneha: "Oh, tell me the one about Magran again. I love that joke."
  • Durance: "Simply because I have business with that whore does not mean I care to discuss-"
  • Durance: "I would not expect some sea-wench-worshipping sea wench to understand..."
  • Maneha: "You still upset about building a god-killing bomb?"
  • Durance: "On that fickle whore's orders!"
  • Maneha: "How do you make your face get so red?"
  • Durance: "You go digging through fire, you're gonna get burned."

  • Maneha: "Caroc, you remind me of an old lover of mine."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Is it my violent urges or my heart of brass?"
  • Maneha: "It's your hands. Esma's were lovely, but always so cold. Killed the mood, if you know what I mean."

  • Maneha: "Ever think you'd be happier if you put the destruction of your village behind you?"
  • Devil of Caroc: "Gotta hold onto what I can. Memory's the one thing Galvino didn't take from me."
  • Maneha: "Maybe that's what's driving you crazy."
  • Devil of Caroc: "Hey, this kind of crazy takes work."

  • Maneha: "Your tribe cast you out? The autumn stelgaer sounds like a real boon. "
  • Hiravias: "It is! Beautiful fall colors in its coat. The hairballs alone are breathtaking."
  • Maneha: "They were probably jealous."

  • Maneha: "I've met a few of your kind, but you're nothing like I expected."
  • Hiravias: "Really? And what exactly were you expecting? Savage, animal-like behaviors? Maybe that I would just talk in growling noises? "
  • Maneha: "I was talking about you being a follower of Galawain." or "I was talking about you being a follower of Wael."
  • Hiravias: "Can I just finish my rant, please? It's hard to stop midway through."

  • Maneha: "Can't understand why everyone else is bundled up. It gets hot as soon as the sun rises."
  • Zahua: "We could burn their clothes in the night to open their minds. They would thank us in time."