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A Mênpŵgra is a primordial in Pillars of Eternity. You can encounter them in Dyrford Crossing. They have a wide array of abilities and can be nasty to fight. However, they are vulnerable to Crush and Pierce attacks.

Description[ | ]

A delempŵgra ("rotten leaf"), more typically called pŵgra ("rotten"), is a delemgan that has been corrupted by the destruction of their home tree or adra stone. They are as ugly as delemgan are beautiful, spindly and emaciated with cool tones to their skin. Their hair is dead, dark, and slimy, their facial features contorted, and their teeth long and sharp. Unlike delemgan, they are not surrounded by motes of light, and they are more than willing to attack unfortunate travelers with their long talons. Pŵgra decorate themselves with the skulls, skins, and feathers of animals they've killed.

Just as delemgan seek to maintain the health of their forests, pŵgra seek to corrupt them, making the two species mortal enemies. The rot that infects them endows their attacks with a ghastly poison, but it also makes their bodies weak and brittle, leaving them vulnerable to piercing and crushing attacks.

Since they can no longer draw essence from a healthy forest, they must survive by drawing energy and essence out of plants, animals, and kith. This makes them natural allies with shadows, which feed by similar means and enjoy the benefits of a shared hunt.

They are hostile toward all life, but rangers and druids are their most common foes.

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